Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Birthday Recap

While I wait in total anticipation for the Casey Anthony jury decision, I figured I should update this. Maybe.

When I last left off, it was almost my birthday. I had made my mileage goal with a spectacular 5k run and I was feeling good heading in to Thursday.

On Wednesday night, I was the DJ of the evening for DDPP. Had a FANTASTIC time and made a kick ass playlist. I wanted to do something to honor my birthday, so I picked out a song from every other year starting in good ol' 1987. Here's the list with some explanations:

1987 (warm-up)- Bon Jovi Living on a Prayer: Number one song from my birth year... how could I not pick this? Plus, the video starts with the band stretching and putting clothes on.
1988- Harry Belafonte "Jump in the Line" (from Beetlejuice): LOVED the movie, and this song is a big crowd pleaser for DDPP.
1990- B52 "Love Shack" : Another one of those "how could I not?" picks.
1991-2- Deee-Lite "Groove is in the Heart": I really struggled with the early 90s because when I was 5 or 6, we listened to only oldies or country songs. My older brother was big on Nirvana, but Nirvana is obviously not the best to dance to!
1993- Salt N Peppa "Shoop": A later love. Every girl must love this song. It's required.
1995- No Doubt "Spiderwebs" : Another requirement for any girl growing up in the 90s. This song is still one that I will turn up on blast if I hear it in the car.
1997- Spice Girls "Spice Up Your Life": Guilty pleasure #1. I was OBSESSED with Spice Girls. I still remember taking countless "Which Spice Girl Are You" quizzes and demanding to see their movie as soon as it came out.
1998- Madonna "Ray of Light": You cant mention the 90s or 80s without Madonna. It was a big fight between Vogue and this.
1999- Jamiroquai "Canned Heat": This song truly started my love of electro-indie-pop/rock. And the music was in one of my favorite dance movies, Center Stage.
2000- NSYNC "Bye Bye Bye": Guilty pleasure #2. I loved BSB more, but NSYNC is more conducive for dancing.
2003- Outkast "Hey Ya": Another "how could I not?" But B gets mad when he hears this at weddings because the song is clearly about getting a divorce.
2006- Apples in Stereo "Can You Feel It": Do you like happy, feel-good, dance music? Find yourself some Apples in Stereo and turn the volume way up.
2008- Beyonce "Single Ladies": In 2008-09, I broke up with my longest term boyfriend... one I wanted to marry because, as Beyonce puts it, "Put in three good years, cant be mad at me."
2010- La Roux "Bullet Proof": My favorite pop song of last year, and my motto for this year.
Random (last work song)- Dexy's Midnight Runner "Come on Eileen": This song is ALWAYS in my DDPP playlists. No rhyme or reason. I just love it.
2010 (cool down)- Peter Gabriel "Heroes": Great song to come off of a high.

Dripping in some funtimerainbow90srock sweat, I returned home to find SOB in a suit, on a rooftop deck (facing the lake and skyline), with a gigantic bowl of homemade pasta. And garlic bread. He even pushed a "meat"ball around his plate with his nose for me.
I'm cuter. And less demure.

On Thursday, we woke up, got dressed, and screamed our heads off at Six Flags for 9 hours. Ahh to be young and not to know what a roller coaster hangover feels like... BTW. There is this new ride in the water park called Torpedo or something, but it should be called Bank Teller Tube of Death. To sum it up, a floor drops from underneath you and you get shot through an enclosed tube of water and in to a small pool. It is not fun and I swear it gave me this nasty cold I'm fighting.

Saturday night was my adventure in to cake making. I actually LOVE to bake. It's soothing to me. I just wish I could eat all of the things I plan on baking. But I had decided a month or so ago that I would make my own birthday cake. I found this recipe which claims to be the best chocolate cake ever... and it's vegan. It did not lie. The cake came out super moist and, well, it was vegan. I then had fun decorating it with icing. It took me about a half hour to decide upon what it should say, but an Office episode helped me decide:

Here's a picture of my cake:
Cake win!

Anyways, the rest of my vacay was spent at home.. drinking with pops. Seriously. Bar hopping with my dad. Oh, and celebrating graduations.

And then there was fireworks on the rooftop.

That sums it up. I will have a more interesting post later. Pinky promise. Just a ton is going on (which I intend to write about), so I'm limited in posting energy.

OH!!! And I got a Nook Color. If you are a lucky lady/lad like me and have one, you should find me and share your book collection. My sister already sent me a saucy book that I devoured in about an hour. Now it's become crack and I want more. 

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