Saturday, June 12, 2010

Crap I Find On Etsy

I started my new job last week at a major university. Because the Spring semester is just wrapping up and the summer semester hasn't yet started, there isn't much training to be done. On Thursday, I spent my 7.5 hour work day on one of my favorite websites,, looking for artwork for the somewhat barren office.

After hour 4, I was more of just browsing everything and judging how much free time one needs to knit lambs wool undies or sculpt phallic shaped candles. As a creative person, I can openly say that when you give a person some artistic freedom and an potential monetary incentive, anything can happen.

So, in these bi-weekly posts (one on the weekends and one sometime during the week), I will venture through the ETSY categories and bring you my favorite horror story of arts and crafts. Oh, and then I will show you something that I would personally invest in if I had some spare change laying around.

For your pleasure, we will start with Accessories- Leg Warmers. Now, I would never, ever wear a leg warmer. EVER... let alone put my own child in one. If babies legs didn't already look like sausages, let's stuff them in tight long socks and top them off with tulle and buttons. And if that wasn't bad, this listing says right off not to purchase because this item is already reserved. SOMEONE BOUGHT THIS FOR THEIR INFANT! Ensue shame on the human race.

Now, looking through the accessory category, I am going with the apron sub section. I've been trying to be a better, healthier, and more adventurous cook. But overall, most of my cooking adventures end up with me stirring a pot of shells and cheese. Maybe, with a cute, 50's inspired apron, I can get the motivation to whip up something other than pre-made mashed potatoes.

With this little bit of inspiration and horror, I conclude my first "Crap I Find On Etsy" post. Enjoy and happy shopping!

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